Flower Farmer, The
Lynn Byczynski
With the cut-flower business growing at record rates, demand is at an all-time high, challenging growers to take advantage of new techniques to prolong the harvest. Recently revised & expanded, this edition contains new sections on utilizing greenhouses, recommendations for flower cultivators, and post-harvest handling for growers throughout all of North America, helping improve the bottom line. Also updated is the acclaimed resource directory, complete with sources of seeds, plants, and supplies, and expert information on organic production under the National Organic Program.
Description / Flower Farmer, The
For the beginner, there is an extensive section on the basics - variety selection, soil preparation, planting, cultivation, harvest, and floral design.
For the commercial grower, The Flower Farmer includes information about larger-scale production, plus advice about selling to florists, wholesalers, supermarkets, brides, at farmer’s markets and more.
Soft Cover 284 p.
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