IHC Corn Planter Fertilizer Hopper Gear
Brand new USA-made IHC Corn Planter 18-Tooth fertilizer hopper base bevel gear 3567A for vintage IHC-McCormick-Deering corn planters.
Our Amish company has been manufacturing replacement parts since 1950 for Amish communities still using and maintaining vintage farm equipment.
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Description / IHC Corn Planter Fertilizer Hopper Gear
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, just about every farm used the same farm equipment providing ample outlets for replacement parts. As most farmers modernized through the 1900s the Amish still depended on the horse-drawn equipment as many still do today.
Since this equipment is no longer being manufactured and dealers are no longer stocking parts it becomes difficult to keep this old vintage farm machinery operational. Both Amish and vintage farm machinery implement enthusiasts scour junkyards, farms, and tree lines in search of these long-abandoned implements for restoration.
Cottage Craft Works.com travels deep into the back roads to find Amish companies who are still making the replacement parts to maintain and restore this old-time horse-drawn farm machinery.
Click Here to view all the available replacement parts for IHC vintage corn planters.
We also carry replacement parts for other vintage IHC #7-#9, John Deere Big-4 sickle mowers, John Deere 999 corn planters, IHC corn binders, and New Idea #8-#10 manure spreaders.