From Asparagus to Zucchini
Madison Area C.S.A. Coalition
This book answers the question of what to do with your armloads of greens, exotic herbs, and unusual vegetables with recipes that are as concise and doable as they are appealing. Organized by vegetable—53 in all—each section includes nutritional, historical, and storage information, as well as cooking tips.
With more than 420 original recipes created, tested, and enjoyed by chefs, C.S.A. members, and farmers, you’ll never be without a delicious recipe to make the most of the season’s bounty.
Description / From Asparagus to Zucchini
Also included are special sections on C.S.A.’s, home food preservation, the benefits of eating locally, seasonal cooking, recipes for kids, and much, much more. Would make an especially nice appreciation gift for your farm market customers!
Soft Cover 228 p.
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