Fertility Farming
Newman Turner
Fertility Farming explores an approach to farming that makes minimal use of plowing, eschews chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and emphasizes soil fertility via crop rotation, composting, cover cropping & manure application. Turner holds that the measure of fertile soil is its content of organic matter, and ultimately, its humus. Upon a basis of humus, nature builds a complete structure of healthy life - without the need for disease control of any kind. In fact, the disease is the outcome of the unbalancing or perversion of the natural order - and serves as a warning that something is wrong. F. Newman Turner was an associate of such luminaries as Sir Albert Howard, Lady Eve Balfour, Lawrence Hills & others. He was a superb farmer and herdsman, and his prizewinning cattle stood as a testament to the validity of his organic methods.
Soft Cover 272 p.
Description / Fertility Farming
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